Your assistance and support is urgently needed for the "Oil Disaster Documentary Film Funding"
“BLACK HORIZON” A feature film length, 90 min. High Definition documentary investigating the oil disaster in the Gulf of Mexico and beyond!official website: www.BlackHorizonFilm.com We certainly all know by now, that the situation in the Gulf of Mexico will be impacting our entire globe and our future generations for many decades to come. From our world’s food chain, to air quality and the global climate, our oceans ability to recover and the significant alteration of our ways of living, the unprecedented oil disaster in the Gulf of Mexico will harm and change our future in many and massive ways. Stefanie Voigt (president of aquamotion film & tv production, Advisory Board of OceanFund.org), is an underwater film & tv documentary producer and underwater camera operator for more than 20 years. Living in Miami, Florida for over 14 years, Stefanie has been on top of the oil spill disaster in the Gulf of Mexico since the very first day the BP Deep Water Horizon Platform exploded on “Earth Day” - April 20th 2010. On June 8th 2010 “World Oceans Day”, Stefanie had organized a public rally in Germany and with over 400 people attending, she started to spread awareness about the oil disaster and how it will affect the rest of the world in the years to come; but that is not enough, she claims: “My heart is bleeding and I have cried many tears, had sleepless nights and spent almost 20 hours each day on top of the oil subject. It is now time to go into the zone and document “Ground Zero” for the world to understand the magnitude and extent of the “Biggest oil disaster in world history”. With the help of renowned experts and scientists, I will investigate what this impact will mean to our future generations. Even though I am very afraid to witness the pain and sufferings of animals dying under the most cruel conditions, as well as humans suffering from the loss of their livelihood and greatly risking their health, I am now more than ready to document the oil disaster in the Gulf of Mexico on location and far beyond! An Emmy Award Winning Camera Team I had the pleasure to work with for over 10 years, is long ready for my call to get out into the Gulf and realize this mission which I named: "Black Horizon" I promise you by my honor and professional values, that I will document only the truth! I will try to investigate what we did not reveal in the news yet, I will talk to scientists, engineers, politicians, families affected, Clean-up organizations, hotel owners, fishermen and animal rescuers, Oil workers, doctors and hospitals, chemical specialists as well as locals and the children who are the forefathers of our future generations, living through this critical moment of time and entirely depending on our decisions, information and actions! I will answer YOUR questions in this documentary, I will NOT cover-up the truth and I will face 'the facts of reality as long as I can breathe'! Once completed, I will make sure this documentary film shall be available FOR FREE for EVERYONE around the globe, online and in full length and quality for the benefit of all. stefanie voigt - 07/07/10 For our planet’s future ...Stefanie Voigt , aquamotion film & tv |
Funding Status: 09/22/2010min. Funds needed: 250KTOTAL FUNDS RAISED: $5,940.00 |
We have teamed up withThe Art for Science Ocean Fund, Inc. Your donation is 100% tax-deductible. The Art for Science Ocean Fund, Inc. is classified as a public charity. They are a registered Florida non-profit corporation exempt from Federal Income Tax under section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Contributions are deductible under section 170 of the Code.
Please support our efforts to realize the documentary film project about the oil spill disaster in the Gulf of Mexico in the coming months. We guarantee that 100% of your financial contribution will be invested towards the documentary film project “Black Horizon”. You can support us by clicking the “DONATE” button above, which directs you to a secure PayPal transaction page from The Art for Science Ocean Fund, Inc..
By supporting this documentary, you furthermore support the local industry in the Gulf of Mexico. We will use the funds also for local hotels, restaurants, boat, helicopter and plane charter, etc.
Thank you very much for helping ~ For the Oceans!
Stefanie Voigt www.aquamotion.tv
Gilbert Nash Pinon www.cinewerx.com
Anthony Lenzo www.airsealand.com
Steven Miller www.stevenmillerproductions.com
Zachary Spira-Bauer www.spira-bauer.com
Please, help us to make this important project happen fast, so we can provide you with a high definition film that documents the real situation for us now and for future generations. A "Bleeding Planet" really needs our urgent attention! We would like to thank you ALL for YOUR help and financial support. You may contribute by clicking the DONATE button in the orange box on the top right. We strive to realize this project ASAP! |
Confirmed Interviews for the documentary film production: “Black Horizon”We are very honored to have you on board for this important mission and look forward to hearing your expert opinions on this subject! Thank you! please click individuals names to visit their web sites |
Riki Ott, PhD, is a community activist, a former commercial salmon "fisherm'am," and has a degree in marine toxicology with a specialty in oil pollution. She experienced firsthand the devastating effects of theExxon Valdez oil spill and chose to do something about it.
“The Ocean Doctor”, Senior Fellow, The Ocean Foundation | Washington, DC, President, 1planet1ocean
Carl Safina is a prominent ecologist and marine conservationist and president of the Blue Ocean Institute
Founder/Co-Director, Ocean Revolution & Research Associate Department of Herpetology, California Academy of Science. NYT: “Currently, Dr. Wallace J. Nichols works with several universities and organizations to advance ocean protection, including California Academy of Sciences as a Research Associate, Conservation Science Advisor for ProPeninsula, on a global bycatch study with Duke University and Blue Ocean Institute, and has served as an advisor or board member of Turtle Island Restoration Network, Biosphere Foundation, Animal Alliance, Coastwalk, Drylands Institute, Oceana, and Reef Protection International. For two years he served as Senior Research Scientist at the Ocean Conservancy”
Avi Klapfer carries an international reputation as a sailor, diver and underwater photographer/cinematographer. His career began as a Command Captain in the Israeli Navy in 1975 and has included oceanic search and a recovery missions on a 4000-ton research/supply vessel. His experience has included dive charter vessel design and management in the Red Sea, Palau and Costa Rica. In addition to operating the UNDERSEA HUNTER fleet, his current activities are focused on major commercial marine ventures that can effectively support complex cinematographic productions, eco-tourism and dive expeditions, which require his talents as an artist, engineer, diver and sea captain.
PH.D. Underwater Archaeology, President Miami Dade Reef Guard, Lecturer at Miami Rosenstiel University of Marine and Atmospheric Science
New Jersey Institute of Technology Master of Environmental Science, Concentration Toxins, University of Pennsylvania - Bachelor of Arts, Biology, Concentration Physiological Psychology, NJ Professional Teacher Licenses in: Mathematics, Physics, and Chemistry Computer Certifications; Addendum Graduate and Undergraduate Studies in: Mathematics, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Eco World Energy - Partner, M.S. Marine Science from University of Alabama, Member of Florida Keys Environmental Coalition research/technical committee
Renouned Environmental Artist and Underwater Sculpturist, In 1985 Ross Power created The Key Largo Undersea Art Gallery, President of Ocean Fund.org
Amos Nachoum is a photographer and explorer. He has shot just about everything there is to shoot, but what he loves most is wildlife photography. Especially if it’s in the water. And he has become world-famous at it. So much so, in fact, that he has been asked to lead National Geographic expedition teams with Dr. Eugenie Clark, Dr. Sylvia Earle, and astronaut Buzz Aldrin. He has co-produced documentaries with Stan Waterman, and he was the team leader for National Geographic’s Red Sea, Great White Shark, and Killer Whale photo expeditions.
Stephen Frink is among the world’s most frequently published underwater photographers.
World Renowned Professional Underwater Photographer
World Renowned Professional Underwater Photographer & Environmentalist
World Champion in Freediving
Marine Biologist, president Deepwave.org
Munich City Council, head of “Die Nahrungskette” (“The Food-Chain”) |
This page will be updated on a regular basis with more information and changes.